David Gauthier presents a poster at the GDR U.P. event.

The “Ultrafast Phenomena” Research Group GDR n° 3754 (U.P.) studies matter on ultrashort time scales.

The GDR U.P. began on January 1, 2016. It brings together the French community of experimenters and theoreticians interested in phenomena on the Attosecond, Femtosecond and Picosecond time scales and operating in all states of matter (diluted medium, solid, nanometric, liquid and plasma).

The GDR. U.P. brings together more than 800 participants, for more than 100 research teams distributed in more than 50 laboratories throughout France. A club of industrial partners collaborates with the GDR U.P. This club brings together around ten industrialists who support our activities.

The GDR. U.P works to bring together French teams and promote our community, constantly providing an overview of “ultra-rapid” activity in France in order to highlight our strengths, our actions, our usefulness and our needs.

The GDR. U.P is managed by an office which brings together 18 members of the French ultrafast community.

The GDR. U.P also supports the club of young scientists in ultra-rapid sciences.

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