Light-Matter Interactions

On December 11th, the consortium of OPTOlogic gathered at ICFO, hosted by Barcelona, to discuss the ongoing progress of their project. In addition to the host institution, partners from Max Born Institute, CEA, Fritz Haber Institute – Max Planck, and LightON were present. This in-person meeting provided an opportunity to thoroughly review the project’s advancements, share the latest research findings, and collectively brainstorm novel theories applicable to their field of study. Furthermore, the consortium engaged in discussions to address challenges encountered within the project and to meticulously plan the subsequent steps necessary to achieve their objectives in the final phase.

As a brief overview, the project aims to gain a comprehensive understanding of light-matter interactions in 2D materials and ultimately control the properties of these materials through light manipulation. Throughout the course of the day, partners actively participated in in-depth discussions and lively interactions, with a particular focus on achieving control of these interactions at attosecond timescales. In greater detail, they delved into studying the dynamic behavior of materials when exposed to ultra-fast pulses of light, exploring various phenomena such as high harmonic generation, trefoil fields, phonons, excitons, electronic structures, logic operations, valleytronics, and more.

To conclude the productive meeting, the consortium visited the lab of the Attosecond and Ultra-Fast Optics research group, led by Jens Biegert. During this visit, the partners gained valuable insights into the state-of-the-art facilities and the cutting-edge science being conducted in direct support of the project’s goals.

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Light-matter interactions in 2D materials