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Prof. Dr Jens Biegert (PhD, ICREA Professor and Group Leader of the Attoscience and Ultrafast Optics research group at ICFO)
He received his PhD in 2001 with distinction from the Technical University Munich for which he was awarded the Allen Prize of the Optical Society (OSA). He went on to head a research group during his Habilitation at ETH Zurich from 2001 until 2006. Since 2007 tenured Professor at ICFO and ICREA professor, his research focus lies on the investigation of the real-time quantum dynamics of electrons and nuclei in atoms, molecules and solids. Jens Biegert is actively involved in the scientific community as the author of the white book leading to the European Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI), is elected member of the management boards of Laserlab-Europe and Laserlab-Europe AISBL, Chair of the Board of Meetings of the Optical Society (OSA), Panel Member of the OSA Meeting Council, Panel member of the European Research Council and of the Volkswagen Foundation, and travelling lecturer of the Optical Society (OSA). He holds an appointment as Adjunct Professor at the University of New Mexico in the USA and is Guest Professor at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society. He is Associate Editor of APL Photonics, Associate Editor of Photonics, a Fellow of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation, Fellow of the Optical Society, Fellow of the American Physical Society, holds an ERC Advanced Grant and ERC Proof of Concept Grant, and he was awarded the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Prize of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Prof. Biegert coordinates the project and contributes to all WPs.

Igor Tyulnev (PhD student)
He completed his undergraduate studies at the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science in Hamburg where he received his Bachelor of Science Physics in 2016 for the growth and characterization of 2D materials. In 2019 he obtained the Master of Science for the simulation of nonlinear few-cycle pulse propagation. Since 2020 Igor Tyulnev is a graduate student at ICFO The Institute of Photonic Sciences where he joined the Attosecond and Ultrafast Optics group of Prof. Dr. Biegert. His research focus is the investigation of structural dynamics and phase transitions in solids.

Ying-Hao Chien (PhD student)
He obtained his Master of Science in Physics from the University of Wyoming, the USA in 2017 and then he worked as a research assistant at National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan in 2018. Ying-Hao joined Prof. Jens Biegert’s group at ICFO in May 2019 as a PhD student. His research is focused on attosecond soft-x-ray spectroscopy in valleytronics materials.

Hung-Wei Sun (PhD student)
He obtained his Bachelor of Science in 2015 and Master of Science in 2017 from the National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan. He joined the Attoscience and Ultrafast Optics research group led by Prof. Jens Biegert at ICFO in 2018. He is working on X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy for solid.

Prof. Dr Maciej Lewenstein (PhD, ICREA Professor & Group Leader at ICFO)
PhD at Universität Essen (1983); Post-doc in Essen and Harvard; Member of faculty of Center of Theoretical Physics Warsaw (1986-1994); CEA Saclay (1995-1998); Leibnitz Universität Hannover (1998-2004); ICFO (since 2005). His research interests include quantum optics, quantum physics, quantum information, many body theory, attosecond science, statistical physics and machine learning. He has published 559 papers, 7 in print, 18 preprints, 20 reviews, 32 book articles/conference proceedings, and 6 books, with over 38000 citations and H-index 98 (WoS). He has been awarded several research awards including three successive ERC Advanced Grants. Lewenstein will coordinate the theoretical aspects of the project and contribute to all WPs.

Dr Alexandre Dauphin (PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher)
PhD at Université Libre de Bruxelles (2015). Post-doc at ICFO (since 2015). Juan de la Cierva Post-doc at ICFO (since 2018), and Junior Group Leader La Caixa (since 2020). His research interests focus on the quantum simulation of topological insulators, high-Tc superconductivity, attophysics of topological and strongly correlated materials and quantum machine learning.
Support Team

Nuria Charles-Harris (Coordinated Project Manager)
She has a degree in Business Administration from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain and a Master degree in e-Logistics and Supply chain management, from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Universitat de Barcelona, Spain. Before working in ICFO, she started her career as Engineer Programme Manager in the Fundació Politecnica de Catalunya, later on, she became a Logistics Project Manager in the Logistics department. She has 4 years experience in International and national projects management in Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomédica. In 2014 she started to work at ICFO in the projects unit in charge of international coordinated projects. She will coordinate the project activities, manage the administrative task, work plan and reportings as well ensure the smooth flow of information between partners and the EC. Together with the Coordinator, she will coordinate the core task and guarantee the quality of OPTOlogic.

Judith Salvador (Project Manager)
She holds a degree in Economics from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and a master’s degree in Project Management from IL3-Universitat de Barcelona. She started in ICFO in 2018 in the project unit where she works for European Projects.

Alina Hirschmann (PhD, Science communication officer)
She obtained a double B.Sc. degree in Physics and Astrophysics from Florida Institute of Technology- FloridaTech. In 2009, she obtained her PhD degree in Astrophysics from the UPC (Barcelona) through the Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC) and a Master degree in Communication Management (2018). She has focused her career in Science Communication, a position that she has held since 2009. She is currently the Science Communication officer at ICFO and, for OPTOlogic, will be coordinating the Communication and Dissemination actions of the project.

Marta Martín (Science communication officer)

Prof. Dr. Ralph Ernstorfer
Tenured scientist (W2) leading the research group Structural and Electronic Surface Dynamics at the Department of Physical Chemistry (FHI) since 2010. After receiving a PhD in Physics at the Freie Universität Berlin in 2004 for the investigation of ultrafast electronic processes in molecules on surfaces, he received a Feodor Lynen Fellowship for postdoctoral research of ultrafast structural dynamics of condensed matter at the University of Toronto. In 2007, he became a scientist in the Laboratory for Attosecond Physics at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics and investigated attosecond electron dynamics at surfaces. In 2016, he received the ERC Consolidator Grant FLATLAND to study ultrafast process in 2D materials.

Dr Samuel Beaulieu
Post-doctoral researcher (Banting fellow, NSERC) at the Department of Physical Chemistry (FHI) since 2018. He received, as a Vanier fellow (NSERC), a joint PhD from the INRS (Canada) and the University of Bordeaux (France) in 2018 for his work on Probing femtosecond and attosecond electronic and chiral dynamics. His current research activities focus driving ultrafast topological electronic transitions and probing topological properties of 2D materials by introducing novel observables in multidimensional photoemission spectroscopy.

Dr Tommaso Pincelli
Post-doctoral researcher at the Fritz Haber Institute since 2018. He received his PhD from the school of Physics, Astrophysics and Applied Physics of the University of Milan (Italy), in a project focused on time and depth resolved photoemission from correlated oxides. He is Alexander von Humboldt Fellow since 2020. His current research interest is the study of interfacial charge and spin transport between simple metals and 2D semiconductors and the exploration of the electronic structure dynamics of 2D ferromagnetic materials with time and angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy.

Dr Shuo Dong
Post-doctoral researcher in the Structural & Electronic Surface Dynamics Group at the Fritz Haber Institute since 2017. She received her PhD at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) for the project of investigating ultrafast charge carrier and coherent phonon dynamics in nanoscale system with femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. Her current research interest is the momentum-resolved study of quasiparticle dynamics within atomically thin two-dimensional materials and van der Waals heterostructures using time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy.

Prof. Dr. Hamed Merdji
He 20 years of research experience in experimental physics on ultrafast lasers and on the generation and applications of coherent soft and hard X-rays, demonstrated single-shot ultrafast nanoscale imaging using phase retrieval and direct holographic image reconstructions, single-shot femtosecond scattering of magnetic nano-domains and ultrafast demagnetization of nanodomains and more recently high repetition rate HHG sources is in his focus, has strong experience in leading small to large scientific projects on a national, European, and international level. Recently has opened a lab facility, NanoLight to study HHG generated by MIR and application in condensed matter, which is focused on attosecond science in 2D, 3D semiconductors, dielectrics, petahertz electronics, nanoplasmonics and nanoscale imaging. (116 publications, H-Index=29).

Dr. Willem Boutu
Permanent researcher in the group of Hamed Merdji, he has strong expertise in high field laser-matter interaction, lensless imaging and patterning of nanostructures, coordinated several small scale projects and participated to various European and French networks. (27 articles, 2 book chapters, was invited to 15 international conferences (h-index: 12).

Dr. Thierry Auguste
Senior researcher at LIDYL and support the simulations aspect of the group, internationally recognized in strong-field physics. He has grounded the theoretical aspects of HHG using mid-infrared lasers and on the synthesis and characterization of attosecond light vortices in the extreme ultraviolet, – the photonic streaking of attosecond pulse trains or – the attosecond imaging of molecular electronic wavepackets (Nature Physics).

Dr. David Gauthier
PhD in ultrafast lensless imaging (Paris-Sud University (France)). At Nova Gorica University (Slovenia) and at Elettra Synchrotron (Italy) worked on high harmonics sources in gas and seeded free-electron laser, developed an expertise in experimental physics on the generation and applications of coherent soft X-rays, leaded research projects on the XUV sources. Currently post-doc at CEA/LIDyL developing alternative high harmonics sources based on solids. Published in high impact journals (50 publications, h-index 24).

Dr. Maria Kholodtsova
PhD from GPI RAS, Russia and CRAN, University of Lorraine-CNRS, experienced in experimental studies and theoretical approaches for laser-matter interaction and programming in MatLab, Python, LabView and FDTD simulations. Currently, post-doc at CEA/LIDyL studies HHG assisted by electric field and hot electrons source based on a semiconductor (14 articles, 3 patents).

Prof. Dr. Misha Ivanov
Head of the MBI Theory Department and a full professor at Humbold University (Berlin). Specializes in the theory of attosecond electron dynamics in atoms, molecules, and solids, its control and time-resolved spectroscopy. He is a pioneer in attosecond science (Rutherford medal — physics of the Canadian Royal Society, Bessel Prize of the A v Humboldt foundation). He currently focuses on using tailored light fields to control electronic response at PHz rates, including spin and valley degrees of freedom, with recent work on high harmonic spectroscopy of phase transitions in solids, including topological phase transitions (Nature Photonics, 12, 266 (2018), Nature Photonics, 13, 849 (2019), Nature Photonics, 2020, in press).

Prof. Dr. Olga Smirnova
Head of Strong Field Physics group of the Theory Department, specializes in imaging and controlling sub-femtosecond to femtosecond electron dynamics in molecules and solids. She is a pioneer of high harmonic spectroscopy of charge dynamics in molecules (e.g. Nature 460, 972 (2009)) and solids (Nature Photonics, 12, 266 (2018)), and is a winner of the 2020 ACS Ahmed Zewail Prize for Ultrafast Science and Technology for her “pioneering contributions in attosecond strong-field physics, including high harmonic spectroscopy of electron dynamics and the discovery of electron spin polarization during optical tunnelling.” Olga’s current research focuses on imaging and control of electron dynamics in atoms, molecules, and solids.

Dr. Maria Richter
Post-doctoral researcher and a former PhD student of Prof. Smirnova, specializes in microscopic and macroscopic aspects of highly nonlinear light-matter interaction, focusing on the role of unusual light-dressed electronic states in macroscopic nonlinear-optical response (Nature Physics, 14, 695 (2018)). Maria is a winner of the 2016 prize of the Leibniz Society for the best PhD work.

Dr. Alvaro Jimenez-Galan
Postdoctoral researcher at the MBI Theory Department, currently specializing on using intense infrared laser pulses with tailored polarization state for valleytronics and spintronics, and on using high harmonic generation to map topological properties of solids (Nature Photonics, 13, 849 (2019), Nature Photonics, 2020, in press).

Prof. Dr. Laurent Daudet
Chief Technical Officer at LightOn. Currently, on leave from his position as full professor in physics, he has a 15 years experience of academic research, with worldwide research recognition (co-authored about 200 publications in high-profile journals and conferences). He is a former junior fellow of Institut Universitaire de France (2010-2015), a prestigious fellowship awarded to less than 1% of french university researchers. As an expert in signal processing and physics, Laurent has in-depth knowledge on the founding principles of photonics technology for computational purposes.

Dr. Adrien Cavailles
He received in 2019 a PhD in quantum optics at Laboratoire Kastler Brossel of Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France. He was then post-doctoral researcher at Sorbonne Université – LIP6, in quantum information. He joined LightOn as Research Engineer in April 2020 to work on Advanced R&D projects.

Dr. Kilian Müller
PhD in quantum optics from Institut D’Optique (Palaiseau) in Alain Aspect ‘s group, mostly on experimental aspects; and a post-doc at Collège de France on cold atoms. He leads LightOn’s Advanced R&D group since 2018.

Prof. Sylvain Gigan
Physics Professor at Sorbonne Université (ex-UPMC), a researcher at Laboratoire Kastler Brossel of Ecole Normale Supérieure (one of France’s most prestigious optics lab, with 3 Nobel prize recipients), and coordinator of the Optics activities at LightOn. He is expert in optics through scattering materials, both in classical and quantum settings.

Charidimos Chaintoutis
Engineering diploma and an MSc in Applied Physics from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece. Subsequently he received an MSc in Computing and Network Technologies and he is currently working towards a PhD on Advanced Photonic Technologies. For the last 4 years he has been working in Research Management and Business Development positions in Greece and France. Currently, he is working as R&D Project Coordinator at LightOn.