Peng Ye, CEA partner, attended the Paris Saclay International School on Ultra-fast X-rays Science conference and presented a poster in representation of the project.


“Paris-Saclay Ultrafast X-ray Science School” is a thematic school organized by the Institute for the Sciences of Light of Paris-Saclay University in collaboration with the “The Frontiers of Attosecond and Ultrafast X-ray Science School” of Erice (Italy). It is scheduled every other year at Paris-Saclay University, alternating with the School of Erice.

Ultrafast X-ray Science 2022

The 1st edition in France will take place October 10-14, 2022. It aims at providing the audience with a general view on the fundamental concepts and basics of ultrafast X-ray and attosecond science, as well as on a series of applications. It will cover topics spanning from the development of ultrafast light sources of visible, XUV and X-ray radiation, including High Harmonic Generation and Free Electron Lasers, to the study of quantum systems in different states of matter, in both gas and condensed phases.

The School will offer a high-profile training opportunity for newcomers in the field, master and PhD students, as well as postdocs and junior researchers, and a chance to discover the laboratories of Paris-Saclay University in the area of the Sciences of Light. Distinguished lecturers will each provide two one-hour lectures on a general topic, scheduled on two different days. In addition, they will also give a seminar describing their own research, thus giving insight into current hot research topics. The lecturers will remain available for informal post-course discussions most of the week.

The schedule will include numerous opportunities for informal exchanges, from common meal times (including breakfast) to generous poster sessions. An afternoon will be dedicated to on-campus laboratory visits, and a cultural afternoon in Paris will complement the program.