Last December 11th, the consortium of OPTOlogic gathered at ICFO to discuss the progress of the project. Hosted by the Barcelona partnering institution, partners from Max Born Institute, CEA, Fritz Haber Institute -Max Planck and LightON came to the center to meet in person and review the progress of the project, share the latests results from the different partners, brainstorm on novel theories that could be applied to the field, discuss on possible solutions to overcome a few challenges that have arises within the project, and most of all see where they are at and plan following steps to take to complete the objectives in the last phase of the project.

As you may know, the project has the objective of understanding light-matter interactions in 2D materials and aim to control the properties of these materials through light. During the entire day, in-depth discussions and vivid interactions between the partners revolved on how to achieve control of these interactions at attosecond timescales and study the dynamics of materials when you apply these such ultra-fast pulses of light to the layers of material, delving into the world of high harmonic generation, trefoil fields, phonons, excitons, electronics structures, logic operations, valleytronics, and many more.

The meeting ended with a visit to lab of the Attosecond and Ultra-Fast Optics research group led by Jens Biegert, who showed the consortium partners a glimpse of the facilities and the science being carried out for the project.