Willem Boutu, CEA partner, has been invited to give a talk at the 53rd Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, which will be held from January 8-12, 2024, in Snowbird, Utah, United, States.

The Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, known as PQE is an annual physics conference that attracts the world’s experts in laser physics, quantum physics, and many other areas. January 2024 marks the 53rd winter meeting.

The Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, known as “PQE,” is an annual physics conference that attracts the world’s experts in laser physics, quantum physics, and many other areas. Snowbird, UT hosts the annual meeting in early January, and it will celebrate its 53rd year in 2024.


The inventions of the maser and laser in the late 1950s and 1960s not only triggered a wave of new developments in the field later called Quantum Electronics, but also led to a growing need for formal education in the subject. However, by the late 1960s, very few courses existed, despite the vast amount of knowledge yet to uncover. Consequently, David Edwards of Colorado State University organized summer meetings in 1966 and 1967 under the name “Physics of Quantum Electronics.”

It was at these meetings that Steve Jacobs of the University of Arizona and Marlan Scully, then at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, met and subsequently developed the idea of continuing the PQE meetings. Furthermore, with Dave Edwards’ approval, they continued using the name Physics of Quantum Electronics. As a result, Marlan Scully and Steve Jacobs organized a series of 2-week summer schools, which eventually evolved into advanced workshops and technical progress reports. Steve Jacobs himself provided much of this historical account.


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Peng Ye, CEA partner, attended the Paris Saclay International School on Ultra-fast X-rays Science conference and presented a poster in representation of the project.

The Institute for the Sciences of Light of Paris-Saclay University organizes the “Paris-Saclay Ultrafast X-ray Science School” in collaboration with “The Frontiers of Attosecond and Ultrafast X-ray Science School” of Erice (Italy). This thematic school occurs every other year at Paris-Saclay University, alternating with the School of Erice.

Ultrafast X-ray Science 2022

The 1st edition in France will take place October 10-14, 2022. It aims to provide the audience with a general view of the fundamental concepts and basics of ultrafast X-ray and attosecond science, as well as on a series of applications. It will cover topics spanning from the development of ultrafast light sources of visible, XUV, and X-ray radiation, including High Harmonic Generation and Free Electron Lasers, to the study of quantum systems in different states of matter, in both gas and condensed phases.

The School offers a high-profile training opportunity for newcomers in the field, such as master and PhD students, as well as postdocs and junior researchers. Additionally, it provides a chance to discover the laboratories of Paris-Saclay University in the area of the Sciences of Light. Distinguished lecturers each provide two one-hour lectures on a general topic, scheduled on two different days. Moreover, they also give a seminar describing their own research, thus giving insight into current hot research topics. The lecturers remain available for informal post-course discussions most of the week.

The schedule includes numerous opportunities for informal exchanges, from common meal times (including breakfast) to generous poster sessions. Furthermore, an afternoon focuses on on-campus laboratory visits, and a cultural afternoon in Paris complements the program.



CLEOEU_Presentation Adrien Cavaillès

On June 29, 2023, Adrien Cavaillès, representative from the LightOn partner within the consortium of OPTOlogic,  was invited to give a presentation at the  2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe – European Quantum Electronics Virtual Conferences (CLEO®/Europe-EQEC 2023), which took place from 26 – 30 June 2023, in Munich, Germany.

The CLEO®/Europe-EQEC conference series is an international conference that takes place annually. Furthermore, it seeks to highlight new frontiers in lasers, photonics, and optical science across a wide range of technical areas. by gathering optics and photonics researchers and engineers in Europe. With technical co-sponsorship provided by the European Physical Society (EPS), the IEEE Photonics Society (IPS), and the Optica, CLEO®/Europe not only reflects, but also reinforces, a strong international presence in the complementary research traditions of laser science, photonics, and quantum electronics.

The CLEO®/Europe-EQEC conference series not only provides a unique forum to obtain informative overviews, but also to discuss recent advances in a wide spectrum of topics. These topics not only encompass fundamental light-matter interactions and new sources of coherent light, but also extend to technology development, system engineering, and applications in both industry and applied science.


Click here to see Adrien’s presentation (PDF)

Link to CLEO®/Europe-EQEC 2023

Adrien Cavaillès presentation CLEO®.




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David Gauthier presents a poster at the GDR U.P. event.

The “Ultrafast Phenomena” Research Group GDR n° 3754 (U.P.) studies matter on ultrashort time scales.

The GDR U.P. began on January 1, 2016. It brings together the French community of experimenters and theoreticians interested in phenomena on the Attosecond, Femtosecond and Picosecond time scales and operating in all states of matter (diluted medium, solid, nanometric, liquid and plasma).

The GDR. U.P. brings together more than 800 participants, for more than 100 research teams distributed in more than 50 laboratories throughout France. A club of industrial partners collaborates with the GDR U.P. This club brings together around ten industrialists who support our activities.

The GDR. U.P works to bring together French teams and promote our community, constantly providing an overview of “ultra-rapid” activity in France in order to highlight our strengths, our actions, our usefulness and our needs.

The GDR. U.P is managed by an office which brings together 18 members of the French ultrafast community.

The GDR. U.P also supports the club of young scientists in ultra-rapid sciences.

Reference Link


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OPTOlogic project meeting in Benasque

From March 9 to 10, the CGA meeting of the European OPTOlogic project will take place in Benasque, Huesca, at the “Pedro Pascual” Science Center.

ICREA Professor Dr. Jens Biegert and project manager Judith Salvador from ICFO are leading this gathering to bring together all members of the project consortium. They are orchestrating an inclusive forum to provide a comprehensive update on the current status and progress of each work unit within the project framework. The meeting will also showcase and explore the various results and latest advances the project has achieved. Additionally, the event aims to foster meaningful discussions, promote idea exchange, and collaboratively seek solutions for any challenges that may arise during the final phase of the project’s execution. This meeting is particularly important because it marks the first in-person gathering since the project’s inception in 2020. As stakeholders eagerly anticipate this momentous occasion, the first in-person gathering since the project’s inception, it presents an invaluable opportunity to reinforce collaborations, forge new partnerships, and collectively propel the OPTOlogic Project towards its envisioned success.

Stay informed about this event and other upcoming engagements by regularly visiting our ‘News & Events‘ section. Don’t miss out on the latest happenings within the OPTOlogic European Project!

OPTOlogic European Project Meeting


© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2022

Licence Creative CommonsThis is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

MoS2 band structure


MIKHAIL IVANOV: Attosecond control of electron dynamics in simple and strongly correlated materials

On December 12th, 2022, Mikhail Ivanov came to give a talk to ICFO about the processes related to electron dynamics in correlated materials. Below, details of the abstract and Dr. Ivanov’s professional path.


Attosecond spectroscopy and strong light fields boldly ventured into solid state physics about a decade ago. In the years since then, we have learned to appreciate that strong light fields drive electrons in solids not on the time-scale of the pulse envelope, but rather on the sub-cycle time scale. Furthermore, control over light oscillations and light polarization on the sub-cycle scale opens the opportunities to control the electronic response on sub-femtosecond time-scale. To illustrate this point, I will provide a series of examples, ranging from PHz valleytronics in graphene to attosecond spectroscopy of the 2D Hubbard model.

However, in the unlikely event that I have enough time to prepare new slides for this talk, I will change it completely. Instead, I will discuss our latest results on resolving the mystery of insanely fast 1 fsec dephasing times in strongly driven solids and the very puzzling behavior of not so massless, massless Fermions in Weyl semimetals.


Mikhail Ivanov is Head of the Theory Department at Max Born Institute and Professor of the Department of Physics at Humboldt University.

Born in the USSR and educated in Moscow State University, Misha left Moscow within a year after the USSR ceased to exist.

Since then, he has worked in Canada, Poland, UK, and Germany, where he now heads the Department of Theory at the Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy in Berlin, together with professorship at the Humboldt University Berlin.

Because Misha likes London, he still manages to keep his professor appointment at the Imperial College London, and because Misha loves Israel, he is also partially localized at the Technion in Haifa, where he now holds a visiting professor appointment.

Hosted by ICFO Professors Maciej Lewenstein and Jens Biegert.

Complete band structure of microscopic MoS2 flakes

Presentation by Sergey Babenkov in reference to the study carried out  by him and his colleagues Peng Ye , Marie Froidevaux , Willem Boutu , Nick Barrett , and Hamed Merdji.

The study was presented as a talk at the Journés Nationales des Spectroscopies de PhotoEmission (JNSPE22) from the 16-18 May, 2022

Université Paris-Saclay, CEA, CNRS

Programme of the event


Reference Link

Sergey Babenkov gave a talk at the American Physical Society Conference (APS), held in March 2022 in Chicago.

The talk was entitled:

APS March Meeting 2022, Volume 67, Number 3, Monday–Friday, March 14–18, 2022; Chicago

Reference Link

Meeting Link

APS March Meeting 2022

Optologic at the American Physical Society

Volume 67, Number 3

Monday–Friday, March 14–18, 2022; Chicago

Session F55: Electronic, Optical and Spin Dependent Properties of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides

8:00 AM–11:00 AM, Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Adler

Sponsoring Unit: DCMP
Chair: I-Hsuan Kao, Carnegie Mellon University

Abstract: F55.00012 : Complete band structure of microscopic MoSand WSeflakes*

10:12 AM–10:24 AM

 American Physical Society Abstract  American Physical Society


Sergey Babenkov
(CEA-Saclay, France)


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American Physical Society